We are stuck in complexity
No one was born to be..
To be alone. To be busy and stressed out. To become addicted to social media. To spend the last 5-10 years of their lives in acute care hooked up to a machine and eating pills for breakfast.
Is this how you want to be remembered?
We were all born to help each other. To tell our stories. To inspire each other. To develop deep, meaningful and trusting relationships . This is the very essence of PEPY.
We’re stuck in these machines.
The Modern World
Most of us are stuck in these three machines:
Dopamine Machine
Comfort Seeking Machine
Self-Preservation Machine
The Cancer Machine
Cancer patients experience loss of control.
Death: Am I going to die?
Pain: Clinical intervention
Fear of the unknown
Being stuck is no fun. We lose control over our lives. But we do have a choice to turn adversity into something good. Everyone needs a little PEPY in their life. Learn how to turn adversity and complex life challenges into something good.