CASS 2024 PEPY Recap

“I’ve LOVED seeing how the students have embraced the PEPY model and are open to the common language and are more willing to have those conversations”
A student who was really struggling with their mental health and who indicated that they were considering self-harm came up to me during the HCTS PEPY Wellness Day and said; because I (the teacher) was making an effort to learn PEPY and become a mentor to help kids with their wellness, it made the student feel like somebody does care about them, and that was the thing that saved their life.”
EICS Wellness Leader

Props for PEPY

Year End 2024 HCTS PEPY Feedback. Captured at Elk Island Wilderness Retreat.
I like the ready to go resources that are being made → this takes a huge load off of us educators and makes the lessons grab and go.
New tools presented today should make it easier moving forward.
I have enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with the PEPY teachers from other schools at these sessions. I think we need to introduce PEPY & these resources at district PD days so that all teachers, admin, & staff know about it & how to access these awesome resources.
Is there a way for all schools to get the tools and resources to keep PEPY strong in our schools?
How will we get access to all the new resources that have been developed?
PEPY can continue to support through resources and the toolkits
Resources - will they be shared electronically? Printing expectation etc...
Love the simple handbooks that are being created - this will really help teachers that aren't as comfortable with the model to bring to their class.
I think we need to introduce PEPY & these resources at district PD days so that all teachers, admin, & staff know about it & how to access these awesome resources
Dedicated time to collaborate would be appreciated to keep momentum going. But these new tools presented today should make it easier moving forward.
Time built in to PD days to continue HCTS work
Incorporate wellness into student activities with more consistency.
I think wellness programs like this should be continued next year. I love how we were intentional as a district these past 2 years about boosting wellbeing!
I have enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with the PEPY teachers from other schools at these sessions.
Incorporate many of the energy, trust activities Steven showed us. The bubble wrap activity was a hit! As was the lego challenge. Being mindful of balancing the dots of using this lingo in school with staff & students, will help students "buy in" to the idea of the importance of balancing your dots for optimum health. Gr. 4 leaders took charge and loved learning PEPY and sharing it with our school.
Participating in PEPY activities has made me more mindful. ex: if I’m feeling “low” I can reflect and put energy where I need it. I have learned how I need to “feed” my creative side to boost my overall well-being.
Student Leadership in Wellness.
More Faith and Wellness focus days. Not just once a year.
We would love to continue Faith + Wellness day next year, using PEPY as the format for the day.
Engaging student leaders was helpful.
Wellness day with the student leaders was successful and beneficial.
I think wellness programs like this should be continued next year. I love how we were intentional as a district these past 2 years about boosting wellbeing!
Burnout and the continuous added expectations with less support is getting harder every year. How can we find real, tangible ways to help with this?
Develop more resources for staff's wellness.
i. → easily accessible.
ii. → no big-time commitment & that should get buy in.
Common Language
We are excited to continue with the common language.
Being mindful of balancing the dots of using this lingo in school with staff & students, will help students "buy in" to the idea of the importance of balancing your dots for optimum health.
Students are open to the language and more willing to have those conversations.
I have LOVED seeing how the students have embraced the PEPY model. Look forward to continuing this to see even more growth & understanding. Love the simple handbooks that are being created - this will really help teachers that aren't as comfortable with the model to bring to their class.
I love having fun as a staff. It’s so great to do the activities as an adult with others. This gave us the ability to see how to do these activities with kids.
Provides specific areas to focus on + gives ideas for activities (diversity)
It would be nice to incorporate a Family night.We have to continue using the language with the kids.
2.PEPY Reinforces Spiritual Teaching
I like the connection to use PEPY as a way to reinforce spiritual teaching.
As a school chaplain, I have used the PEPY model to engage the students in faith-based activities.
I would love to incorporate PEPY into Leadership lessons or as part of Faith Formation with the school.
Can you build in curricular alignment to the Health and/or Religion curriculums as giving up class time is always difficult from a teachers perspective.
3. Many Teachers Are Already Doing PEPYs 9 Wellness Activities Dots.
We need to provide them with the materials that reflect this. i.e. PEPY the Panda Poster and wellness progress charts.
Embedded into PE class (lay on floor with lights off + meditation music for 5-10 mins) students ask for it daily
Having an “energy burst” has become a regular part of my classroom activities.
Continue to incorporate wellness into student activities with more consistency.
4. Age Appropriateness: Differentiated The Workshop Packages and Tools
Gap with highschoolers.
I am excited to see more resources & workshops developed specifically for high schoolers. These PEPY resources are great but a bit too elementary for the older kiddos.
Continue to tailor more to teens
Age Appropriateness I think k-6, 7-9, + 10-12 are better suited which may help student and staff engagement
I think kids are relating better to kids in different grades. We made our Faith day with groups of kids pre-k to grade 4.
Build more cohesion btwn grade levels.