Do The Dots: Resilience (COVID-19)

Loneliness: A Silent and Deadly Epidemic.

Covid-19. By following a few simple guidelines like physical distancing, washing your hands frequently and keeping two meters distance between you and other people when you do have to go out in public – could save someone you don’t even know.

Self-quarantines, remote working are crucial for helping to flatten the curve and reduce risk to those who are vulnerable. But they also put us at risk for even greater isolation and loneliness.

Social Isolation Kills. We can fix this.

A cornerstone study revealed that a lack of social connection and support puts us at a greater risk for illness and death than smoking, obesity, alcohol, or lack of physical activity. Lonely people are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and dementia.

Social isolation combined with the fear of the unknown, loss of control is quickly emerging as another major health threat of COVID-19. Our mental health is at stake, but if we work together we can fix this.

This isn’t about you or me. It’s about all of us.

We all have a responsibility and role to play to help each other. This is one of those times in life when our collective actions are about something bigger, someone else.

We can use the constraints of COVID-19 to make something good happen – meaningful connection to others. Let’s not let this crisis go to waste. Relying on the most valuable well-being asset we have, each other. Let’s start a positive pandemic of belonging instead.

Find your tribe. Connect online. Share some love and compassion.

It’s already happening. People are finding their tribes and connecting with them online at work, home and play environments. This method of checking in and helping each other is called “Social Prescribing”.  It’s NOT up to you to help yourself, it’s up to all of us. And it works.

Do the Dots!

PEPY is here to offer some free tools to help bring some value to your virtual gatherings. In response to COVID-19 we’ve developed a Screen to Screen “We Care” model. It’s simple and powerful. Just “do the dots”

Why are PEPY's 3 Dots so helpful?

  1. PEPY keeps things simple, fun, relevant and easy. There’s a lot of information online to help people cope with COVID-19. It’s almost too much, too complicated and it’s stacking up fast.

  2. Bring balance to your life. PEPY’s 3 dots can help boost your physical, social, spiritual and mental health.

  3. Backed by over five years of research.

Tribal Connections: Exponential Happiness

  • Strength is defined by how we care for each other. And, If we add some purpose to how we care for each other, maybe we can create some positive long-term change.

  • Use technology in a way that reflects our human values for caring and connection. Create and participate in online communities that support and give to each other. Text, call, or video-conference with friends and colleagues.

  • Check in on elders (they are doubly at risk from the virus and loneliness) in your family and neighborhoods.

  • People’s happiness depends on the happiness of others with whom they are connected. This provides further justification for seeing happiness, like health, as a collective phenomen.

  • Leverage the power of emotional contagion through social networks. Panic spreads like wildfire, but so do positive emotions and acts of kindness. When we observe a kind act, we experience a burst of happiness termed “elevation.” This makes it more likely that we will pay the kindness forward.

Collectively, we can make something good come out of this. To see COVID-19 as an opportunity to reshape a better culture of sharing resources, creative problem solving and building long term resilience.


Do The Dots: Quick Read (COVID-19)


Adopt a Growth Mindset (COVID-19)